We all love playing gambling games. Some of us prefer video slot machines, other prefer to play table games, and yet others are fans of the roulette. It should be noted that people have been gambling for as long as we have learned how to think, and today there are casinos all over the world. But what if you did not actually have to go to a casino to play your favourite gambling game? This would save a lot of time.

No, we do not try to lure you into on-line games, as staring at the screen for too long could hamper your eyesight in the long run. What we are trying here is to teach you how to build your very own roulette table, together with a set of chips, and even a roulette wheel!

Yes, we know that this may sound as a very difficult thing to do, but it is not that hard. Roulette Vision are saying that with the right tools you can make your very own roulette table in less than an hour – and you will be all set for those gaming nights with your friends and family.


You will need:

  • cardboard
  • ruler
  • protractor
  • string compass
  • boxcutter
  • pencil
  • marker
  • hot glue
  • wooden stick
  • saw
  • ice cream sticks x2
  • paint (red, black and green)
  • fidget spinner
  • marble ball

Place a square piece of cardboard on the floor and mark its centre. Using the string compass measure an 18 inch circle, draw it and cut it out with the box cutter. With the pencil, divide the circle into 13 sectors, painting one sector green (you need to write “0” on this sector once the paint has dried), and paint the remaining sector black and red in a random order. Once the paint has dried, use the market to write numbers on the sectors. Tip: do not forget that the numbers on the roulette table should be the same colour as they are on the roulette wheel. Do not forget to paint a red arrow.

Cut out another circle and glue it to the centre of your roulette wheel (it should be a small one). Next, cut small right triangles and glue them to the roulette wheel in order to separate each sector from the other.

After that, measure about three inches of the wooden stick and cut it using the saw. Glue the stick to the centre of the small cardboard circle on your roulette wheel. Glue the ice cream sticks in an X-shape on top of the stick.

Turn the roulette wheel upside down and glue the fidget spinner to its centre. Voila! Your roulette wheel is ready.


You will need:

  • cardboard
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • marker
  • glue
  • paint

Cut out a semi-square-semi-circle and glue place the roulette wheel in the centre of the semi-circle sector. Glue walls and then another cardboard with the same shape on top of this one. Use the ruler and pencil to draw up your betting sectors – you need 23 of those (13 for betting on numbers and 12 for additional betting options, like on real roulette tables). Paint and write numbers accordingly. Again, only the zero section should be green. With the marker, write the additional betting options (“odd”, “even”, “2 to 1”, etc.) on the sectors you have not painted. All done – your very own casino table is ready. All you need to do now is some gaming chips and you can play!


Again you can create chips using cardboard but we advise against it, as that would make them easily damageable. So instead of cardboard, we advise you to use blank poker chips – you can find these practically anywhere.

You will need:

  • blank poker chips
  • scissors or 1-1.4 inch hole punch
  • glue
  • full page labels (you can cobble these yourself on Photoshop or simply grab your PDF file of coin stickers for casino chips on the web)
  • coloured printer

We bought our chips from a website which sold them along with cases and everything at the price of $0.10 for each chip (we made 400 chips for less than $50, which is great).

To cut the coin symbols use scissors or hole punch if you have any. All you need to do next is glue the pieces to the blank chips. These chips are said to last over five years, but even if they do not last that long, they are merely $0.10 worth, so it is not a big deal.

We hope you would find our tutorial easy. Enjoy your roulette game!

By James